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DR Market Expert: su guia y coaching confiable para el mercado de RD

Your trustworthy coaching and guide for the Dominican Republic market.

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Dominican Republic is growing at 5.6% annually.

DR is a complex market, yet one ripe for export and investment opportunities. DR is also an ideal launch-platform for access into other Caribbean and Latin American markets. Success in the DR is contingent on relevant and timely information, as well expert, in-market guidance to help you make the most strategic decisions for your business.

NEX has over 20 years’ experience, assisting more than 200 companies plan, penetrate and grow in the DR market. We have worked with firms from the Caribbean, Europe and South America across multiple industries in the manufacturing and services sectors.

For more information, watch our video and subscribe to one of our package of services tailor made to your needs. Contact DR Market Expert below to find out how you can drive your market entry from ambition to success.

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